Minna Ylitalo

Creating accessible websites: a primer for website developers

Creating accessible websites: a primer for website developers

At Liquid Light we pride ourselves on building accessible and inclusive websites, and have built websites and platforms with a focus on accessibility for the likes of the disability charity Leonard Cheshire and The Washington Group on Disability Statistics.

Animated progress circle

SVGs in small doses, combined with CSS and JS animation, are great for adding extra interest on your site. Here's a simple svg animation for a progress circle.

Web accessibility and forms

Forms are an important part of any web application, here's a brief view on how to make sure your forms are accessible for everyone.

@use and @import rules in SCSS

Bring your project's front-end code up to date and replace the @import rule with @use in your SCSS partials for more control and clarity.

What is it like joining a team as a junior developer during lockdown?

Our junior front-end developer started in March, 3 days before the country went into lockdown because of COVID-19. Minna shares tips and tricks for starting with a new team.